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A guide to today’s world of digital marketing and artificial intelligence

Traditional Internet Marketing vs. Digital Marketing – the Differences

When a Traditional Internet Marketer Meets a Digital Marketer...

In our imaginary journey of exploring how traditional marketing meets AI, we have already compared and contrasted traditional marketing with digital marketing. On this page, Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing – the Differences, we will explore the differences between conventional internet marketers and digital marketers. As you will see, there is not nearly as much difference between traditional and digital marketers. These differences are almost subtle and sometimes not even noticeable.

To have a clear vision, let’s first look at the role of the different marketers.

The terms “traditional internet marketing” (or “classic internet marketing”) and “digital marketing” are often used interchangeably, but depending on the context, there can be subtle differences in meaning. The differences may not always be immediately apparent, as classic internet marketing is a subset of digital. But what are these differences?

Let’s take a closer look at these differences!



1. Traditional Internet Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

The purpose of the comparison ⬇Traditional Internet Marketing ⬇Digital Marketing ⬇
1. Overview:Traditional Internet marketing refers to activities predating the widespread use of digital channels and technologies.Digital marketing is a broader and more modern term encompassing all marketing activities conducted through digital channels, including the Internet. Based on this premise, digital marketing is an improved successor to classical marketing, with a significant technological background and innovation, applying all the experience of its predecessor.
2. Methods:This includes early online marketing methods such as email marketing, banner advertising, and static website marketing.It covers a wide range of strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and various forms of online advertising.
3. Timeframe:Typically, it was from the late 20th century to the early 2000s when the Internet was still in the early stages of commercialization.
Relates to the early days of the commercial use of the Internet.
This reflects the current marketing era, where digital technologies are deeply embedded in all aspects of the marketing process.
Reflects the current and evolving state of online marketing.
4. Area of operation:Limited to early online marketing methods and strategies.Covers a broader range of strategies and channels beyond early methods.
5. Use of technology:Primarily involves basic online technologies and static web content.This includes using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and interactive content.
6. Channels:Relies primarily on early internet channels such as email and static websites.It covers various channels, including social media, search engines, content platforms, mobile apps, and more.
7. Interactivity:Limited interactivity with users; often one-way communication.Emphasizes two-way communication, engagement, and interactivity with the audience.

All this shows that traditional internet marketers may already know how to move to the level required by today’s technology, especially digital technology. To do this, it is essential to have an almost complete understanding of the technology. The learning material required is vast, so specialization may be allowed where appropriate.

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2. What does this Specialization Mean in the Digital Space?

Specialization means becoming a professional expert in a particular field. Minez means that all digital professionals need to know the full name of the database they need and the access options available to them at a basic level. This is of course easier for those who already have a basic knowledge.

My personal example is that when I was studying electrical engineering, my professor told me that you don’t need to know all the formulas, but you do need to know they exist and where to look for them if you need them. In other words, if you don’t know Python, for example, or you can’t use GitHub (yet), Microsoft’s advanced AI, or Google SEO analytics, but you will need them tomorrow, then find them in their own place and learn how to use them.

All this really requires a great deal of basic knowledge and perseverance, as the material and algorithms learned so far also change from day to day, which must be followed honestly to keep up to date. In the last century, this required physically acquiring and reading reams of textbooks; today, it is “enough” to visit the website of the application, register there and master the material, possibly even taking an exam if necessary. I know what I’m talking about, because that’s what I do every day.

Now, let’s look at how to become a digital marketer, simply.

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3. How to Become a Digital Marketer? The 7 C’s of Digital Marketing.

So, we have learned that digital marketers are tasked with increasing brand awareness and lead generation through digital channels. This translates into digital marketers spending much time creating relevant content that is published or updated regularly. At the same time, they monitor or manage social interactions and campaigns or do other work to reinforce the company’s reputation and thereby increase its revenue. To do this, they need to gain a great deal of knowledge in all the areas that affect them, including the availability and effective use of today’s artificial intelligence.

They should also know the 7 C’s of digital marketing: Customer, Content, Context, Community, Convenience, Coherence, and Conversion. If you know all these and consistently deliver on them, you will likely become a digital marketer.

Conclusion and Summary:

While traditional Internet marketing is a subset of digital marketing, the latter is a broader and more modern approach encompassing the various strategies and channels enabled by advanced digital technologies.
The shift from traditional to digital marketing reflects the broader evolution of technology and consumer behavior in the digital age.

But, without an understanding of today’s digital Internet technology, achieving or maintaining significant business success is almost impossible. This is also where the effective use of artificial intelligence as we know it today will come in, again requiring acquiring a vast body of knowledge and mastering its practical use.

I believe that for anyone who wants to engage with today’s marketing, this is the right “push” to start engaging with digital marketing and to master today’s AI technology.

Thanks for reading!

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The Transformation of the Traditional Internet Marketer Lady into a Digital Marketer in Cyberspace


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